hello! welcome to my digital escape(heh pun). this website was crafted and loved by me! its still in its very early development, and has yet to be considered "finished". i decided to make this website similarly to most other people, i have a deep love for the old internet despite never really getting an opportunity to be apart of it. i also have just really loved computers and coding since i was a little baby ehehe..u could probrably consider me the og ipad kid 😭😭😭 besides that i also just wanted a space off of social media where i dont have to worry about getting views, or getting yelled at for things i post. on my website i can just do whatever i want and say whatever i want and thats something i really need mentally. i also enjoy having a space where i dont need to feel judged by my friends for my weird quirks and intrests!

Êš updates Éž

01/27/24 ~ finnaly made update page and finished about section!
